UV Meter Bikini

These are world’s first UV Smart Bikinis featuring a smart fabric UV meter with Bright LED display. The UV Index indicates the strength of the UV intensity. The higher the number, the stronger UV intensity, and the shorter the time for damage to your eyes and skin.

Source: Solestrom …

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Flying Manta Ray

Unlike towable watercraft that stays on the surface of the water, this inflatable watercraft and its rider are able to rise above the surface and hover in the air. It also provides a stable ride for up to two people, with two integrated neoprene seats and footrests.

Watch how it flies from Here.

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The Wind Powered Bike Light

This is a concept of a wind-powered bike light. A mini turbine is mounted on the handlebars and uses the bikes momentum to drive the blades. These in turn power a 1700 lux LED light. (A bike moving at 21kph is said to produce continuous power of 3.5 volts at 70mA, with the …

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Wooden Bicycle Frames

Check out this range of wooden frames for your two wheeler from Xylon. The designs are made of wood and beautifully finished to add a retro feel to the frame work. There are four different designs to choose from.

Source: …

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