“The Time Machine Clock is a kinetic display device that eschews the normal conventions of a timepiece – hands, to you and me – and instead replaces them with an altogether more elaborate means of saying ‘ten past two’. A central spindle counts the seconds, releasing a ball every minute. Once five minutes is reached, the five minute ball is released. These balls accumulate until 12 have been released, whereupon the one hour ball is set free and rolls into place. This continues on the hour, every hour. Along the way, a precision movement mechanism ensures complete accuracy.”
Source: Gadget Shop
I had one of these as a kid – Really cool, but don’t put it in your bedroom. At 12:01 am every ball in the clock falls to reset to zero and start all over. It raises quite the ruckus
That’s a skilulfl answer to a difficult question
Time Machine Clock | Funniest Gadgets – just great!