Instant Inflatable Window

Stuck in a windowless office or interior cubicle all day long? Live in a basement apartment/death trap? Incarcerated yet still have Internet access and are reading this site and can order stuff online delivered right to your cell? You might just be the perfect candidate for an Instant Inflatable Window. Open the can, …

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USB Cannon

OK, so you plug the USB Cannon into your computer and then using your arrow keys and space bar, you can aim and fire at anything within 10 feet of your PC. It has pretty cool sound effects and shoots with authority.

Get One Here: VAT19

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Cubicle Doorbell

Cubicaller® doorbell Tired of co-workers entering your cubicle without asking first? Startled when unannounced guests tap you on your shoulder? Cubicaller® doorbell allows guests to civilly announce their arrival. Features three volume levels and 12 sounds such as door chime, bird call, foghorn, funky drum, antique car horn, alien laser, 80’s keyboard and …

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